In-House Benefit Plan

Join us in the Fighting the High Cost (and low value) of Dental Insurance!

Are you one of the almost 50% of Americans without dental insurance? (You're not missing out on much.)  If so just the 2 hygiene check-up visits that are recommended yearly are going to cost you close to $500 per year.  We have a solution!  For our uninsured patients, we are offering a plan that covers these visits and quite a bit more.  The exciting part is that membership is just $395 per year, $360 for additional family members residing at the same address.   That’s a $140 savings for just your 2 yearly check-ups.  Plus, ALL dental services that we can provide in our office--no matter essential or cosmetic--come with a 20% discount.  Unlike traditional dental insurance, there are no hoops to jump through (no exclusions, no deductibles, no maximums and no waiting periods).   

You can join today and enjoy the benefits immediately.  If you have any questions or want to sign up, please call our office at 732-681-2225.  We are happy to help!